Who am I? What am I here to do?

Questions can be dangerous – they require tremendous courage to ask because new questions lead to new ways of perceiving. All new and original thought begins with a question, which leads to an exploration. Answers are everywhere, but first you must ask a question. Who am I? What am I here to do?

Over twenty-five years ago this amazing Adventure began!

At that time, I only knew who I was through all my relationship titles. I was a mom, wife, daughter, sister, business owner, etc. When I took away those descriptors, I had no words to express who I was. Throughout my life, I saw myself through the eyes of others. It’s one of my greatest gifts and also one of my greatest challenges. I knew to the core of my being that I needed to find out who I was. It was also crucial that I find the words to express this. And so the Adventure began . . .

Lori Palm, Modern-Day Muse, Global Passion Expert

Today I have words to express who I am and what I do. My short I AM statement is – I am the modern-day muse inspiring passion, purpose, and possibilities. I do many things but these few words express the core of who I am. I can now live fully in my relationship titles without losing who I am.

  • CEO
  • Modern-day Muse
  • Trumpet player extraordinaire
  • Wife
  • Mother
  • Nana
  • Global Passion Expert
  • Keynote Speaker

When I finally had the words to describe who I am, I knew what I must do. In 2003 I created the Core Passion Assessment. This groundbreaking, validated, on-line self-assessment is used to discover the essence of the inner driving forces that drive everything you do. It is the basis of all my work.

As a life-long entrepreneur, I’ve done many things including earning a degree in Social Work from the University of Minnesota; achieving a Series 7 License in financial services; and creating and owning several entrepreneurial enterprises including a production company (communications and branding), a music studio, a speakers’ bureau, and even an ostrich ranch.

All of my experiences have made me who I am today . . . Another new Adventure begins!

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